Monday, 24 November 2014

Lookin For a Few Good Men and Women

My EXerciseISTherapy Foundation is in place...but it would like some help!

The mandate of the society is to:
  • develop, fund,and facilitate activities and programs to provide exercise therapy to children with unique and special needs
  • develop and present programs to educate families how to tap into their children's unique needs and facilitate a more active lifestyle for their uniquely abled kids
  • develop and present programs within school districts promoting the use of proactive exercise sessions as an alternative to being removed from the classroom for disruptive behaviours
Is this something that you can spare a small amount of time sharing ideas about, adding your perspective to somebody else's ideas?
Would you be interested in helping to find and apply to grants to access funding?
I am discovering that there is a lot to do to be even remotely successful!
If you feel you have something to offer a fledgling non-profit society and would like to become one of those people who were there "right from the beginning" we would love to hear from you!
Exercise IS Therapy Foundation

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