Monday, 1 December 2014

Help Us Build a Board

Help Us Build a Board of Directors

The Exercise IS Therapy Foundation is ready to move forward and we need some help.

We are looking for spirited, like minded, happy people to help us put our mandate in motion.  Yes...we are looking for individuals with specific skills in math (read ACCOUNTANT), curiosity (read as GRANT FINDER AND WRITER), a Chatty Charles or Cathy (read as SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT EXTRAORDINAIRE), and someone with a lot of connections (read as SHMOOZE MASTER).

You could be a parent of a kid with special needs, somebody interested in promoting physical literacy for kids with unique needs, or just that ingenious individual who like to make things happen.

Maybe we will meet a couple or few times a year. If we all get along we could meet more often!

The mandate of the EXercise IS Therapy Foundation is as follows:

  • develop, fund,and facilitate activities and programs to provide exercise therapy to children with unique and special needs

  • develop and present programs to educate families how to tap into their children's unique needs and facilitate a more active lifestyle for their uniquely abled kids

  • develop and present programs within school districts promoting the use of proactive exercise sessions as an alternative to being removed from the classroom for disruptive behaviours

But that is not all..the rest would be up to a collaborative discussion on how to access funding for unique initiatives for kids with unique and special needs.

Please contact me with your thoughts.

EXercise IS Therapy Foundation

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