Thursday, 18 April 2013

A LinkedIn Letter

I am just sharing to my Twitter contacts a note I sent to my LinkedIn followers:

On Thu April 18 2013, Malcolm Chrystal wrote:

First off, to many of you who I have never met in person, hello and thank you for becoming one of my connections.

I am contacting my connections to share what I am doing in my practice Exercise is Therapy.
Simply put I provide exercise and fitness sessions for people with special needs.

My main focus is children with autism.

My request of you, if you could be so kind,is to share what I do with your clients, colleagues, friends, and family. Hopefully my service is something that might be of interest.
I am located in the Greater Vancouver area.

I would be more than happy to be in direct contact with you if you need more information about my practice.

Thank you for your time!

Kind Regards,


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